Saturday, December 20, 2008

Love is only complete when I bring more people onto the road of success!

Love is only complete,
when I can bring more people
onto the road of success...

Love is only complete,
when I can ignite in more people
the importance of success...

Life is good,
only when all feels great...
Smile and be acquainted with success!

We are meant to be happy...
We are meant to be healthy...
We are meant to be wealthy...


Don't ask why?
Don't ask when?
Don't ask where?

Ask yourself, do you want it?
Ask yourself, do you need it?
Ask yourself, are you keen to succeed?

Come along, it is never too late...
Come along, now is the time...
Come along, join the crowd!

We have ways and plans to do things right...
We have evidences to prove it works right...
We have goals of life that means right...

We have a package of success to share...
We have everything you need in life...
We have everything one can be happy with...

Cheers! follow us...

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