Thursday, December 25, 2008

Look at the mouths we need to feed, usually there is only one to earn but have to feed 7 mouths...

One must realize how much effort one need to put in to earn a living to feed one's family. Every morning we consume/spend before we go out to work, and when we come back we consume/spend again. Good time, bad time, we all need to consume daily used products. Definitely consuming/spending is much more easier.

Consuming/Spending refers to using all those daily used products like soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoos, face cream, lotions and the like. We buy from here and there either from small or bigger supermarkets.

Consumers get poorer slowly never richer unless they get the products from ONE source. It is advisable to be getting from one source only and get compensated at the end of the day when put into a reliable networking system.

We then can build a network using Amway products as our supplier. In that case, we, as consumers are able to benefit ourselves and be smart consumers and building a big business for ourselves.

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