Monday, December 29, 2008

God is forever so forgiving and loving...

Fear God, not man... lightning and thunder strikes that will make anyone tremble with fear..

Thursday, December 25, 2008

If you have the answers to your question now, why are you repeating your questions?

Be prepared for the rainy days... plant before one can harvest!

Just get moving when our goals are there and work out the plan as planned.... row hard towards your destination...

Better be aware that one must change... change to copycatting the right system!

The only difficulty is your non-belief in evidences/proven to work for all ...

What is uncommon freedom?

Uncommon freedom is a freedom from debts, from work, from boss, from stress, from financial problems... and the feeling of well-being to have all the time for our loved ones and family...

Time is so precious that once gone is forever gone...

Row, row, row your boat... in this period of recession, we should row faster...

Row, row, row your boat...
If it happens that one partner is not rowing...
Don't hesitate or wait for your partner to start rowing...
It might stop and sink if you don't start rowing...

It doesn't matter who is rowing...
Just get the boat going and moving....
Don't compare or complain of not moving...
Mention not of justice, but get moving...

Look at the mouths we need to feed, usually there is only one to earn but have to feed 7 mouths...

One must realize how much effort one need to put in to earn a living to feed one's family. Every morning we consume/spend before we go out to work, and when we come back we consume/spend again. Good time, bad time, we all need to consume daily used products. Definitely consuming/spending is much more easier.

Consuming/Spending refers to using all those daily used products like soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoos, face cream, lotions and the like. We buy from here and there either from small or bigger supermarkets.

Consumers get poorer slowly never richer unless they get the products from ONE source. It is advisable to be getting from one source only and get compensated at the end of the day when put into a reliable networking system.

We then can build a network using Amway products as our supplier. In that case, we, as consumers are able to benefit ourselves and be smart consumers and building a big business for ourselves.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Friends all over the country... come and meet in grand places...

We wear coats and ties, we are well-known for leaderships, for making money, for doing sales and presentations, for training distributors, for motivating each other and enjoying holidays together..... Life is good, live it!

Free travels round the globe...

In Japan...
In Alaska...
In Rome... and all for free!

Uncommon freedom... to be free of debts, boss, overtime, stress, hardship?

Uncommon freedom is dearly pursued in our everyday life... One always wish hard to feel free... but to an extend, not all of us are free...

Can we have true wealth? What is true wealth?

True wealth is having enough time and enough money to do what we want and when we want...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Do you want transferable income? Can your income be transfered to your loved ones?

Can you imagine how your income can be transfered to your loved ones?
Do you think there is this chance, this golden opportunity?

Be a crown ambassador in 5 years time...

Personally sponsor 4 a month, continue for 5 years.
Confidence, evidences, knowledge, goals, persistence...
Patience, consistency, forbearance all you will acquire...
And walk along the road to financial freedom...

Get acquired in 'feeling wealthy, feeling healthy and feeling happy'!

Love is only complete when I bring more people onto the road of success!

Love is only complete,
when I can bring more people
onto the road of success...

Love is only complete,
when I can ignite in more people
the importance of success...

Life is good,
only when all feels great...
Smile and be acquainted with success!

We are meant to be happy...
We are meant to be healthy...
We are meant to be wealthy...


Don't ask why?
Don't ask when?
Don't ask where?

Ask yourself, do you want it?
Ask yourself, do you need it?
Ask yourself, are you keen to succeed?

Come along, it is never too late...
Come along, now is the time...
Come along, join the crowd!

We have ways and plans to do things right...
We have evidences to prove it works right...
We have goals of life that means right...

We have a package of success to share...
We have everything you need in life...
We have everything one can be happy with...

Cheers! follow us...

Come and follow us, come and join us... it is just a call distance far!

Love in educare is only complete when all of us are on the road towards total success!

What one think is possible, one will make things possible...

You need only 2 to 3 years constant efforts put in to generate an uncommon future...